"You Are Here” explores issues affecting our world not from behind our desks but from our personal experiences as people living, visiting and working in cities around the world.
The Return on Investment of Design is Here: CX Design

Do you ever wonder why it’s easier for us to remember a terrible customer experience over a great one? The markers of a great customer – or patient, or guest or employee – experience aren’t the moments that “spark joy,” educate or “delight” – rather, the greatest customer experiences are those that you don’t notice […]

Sustainability in a Material World

Each year, the mainstream definition of “sustainable design” continues to broaden its reach. The emphasis has expanded far beyond energy, water and site into public health, social equity, wellness and transparency– underscoring how our effect on the environment is inextricably linked with its effects on us. As the industry seeks to make the invisible visible, […]

Designing Through Gratitude: Introduction

Designing Through Gratitude is a series discussing the strategy, design and implementation of Dallas, TX’s Thanks-Giving Square—the soul and spiritual hub of the community. Over the course of six months, we have been working collaboratively with the Thanks-Giving Square Foundation on re-visioning of one of the most celebrated public spaces in Dallas, Texas. The Foundation […]