Customers expect a two-way brand connection

Shaun Quartier June 10, 2020

Customers have had to shift to digital channels during the COVID crisis. This has, in-turn, shifted their expectations around how they connect with brands overall, and has moved the center of power towards the customer’s side. Customers have become experts in interconnectivity, gathering information and crafting stories. One-way transmission of information from a business doesn’t cut it anymore – customers expect dialog. And this shouldn’t be reflected in digital channels only – IRL experiences deepen personal connection at a time when this is something consumers are craving.

cellular phone graphic

Action Points:
Listen to your customers– they will tell you what they want.
Emphasize data collection, prioritize personal conversations and connections, master social media.

Tie in directly with the community around the brand – let the community be the decision maker.
Reach out to individuals, co-create with customers and ask for input during development of any new initiatives. Use social platforms to gauge community feedback and input.

Rethink any messaging that is meant for one-way transmission
Customers can sense when a message is inauthentic. “We’re all in this together” or “your safety is our first concern” messages posted to a site or email tell customers that your brand is phoning it in. Consider how to invite dialog through social channels and act on customer feedback in real time to back up your words with actions.

“We got a call from a local restaurant to just check in how we were doing. They didn’t want anything, they just wanted to make sure we were okay. It was the first place we went to.”

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