Introducing Dreamscapes

Announcement | August 14, 2020

About the Seattle Design Festival

The Seattle Design Festival is a program of Design in Public– a multidisciplinary nonprofit organization that promotes the role of design in improving our city. Design in Public is a strategic initiative of AIA Seattle: a chapter of the American Institute of Architects– founded in 2011 to unleash the design thinker in everyone to illuminate Seattle’s challenges and ignite action.

This year’s theme is About Time– sought to ponder past, present and future at a unique moment of transition for the city, the region and the world. Instead, it presently confronts the reality of a global public health crisis and the need to address and dismantle racist systems. Priorities are shifting and the way that we collaborate has changed.

Our Concept: Dreamscapes

Our environment is constantly changing, there have been so many visions of what we may be along the way of human progress. Inspired by the current times, in which we must look at everything that has brought us here and everything we see us becoming; we present a virtual exhibition of conceptual Seattle scenes amplified with expression and dreams”

Special thanks to our peers that shared with us their visions of the future.

Submit a Sketch!

Want to send us your version of Seattle? Feel free to go to and submit your sketch!

Once completed, please email the sketch in jpeg format to along with your name, profession, neighborhood/location, title and description. You might just see your artwork being featured in our virtual gallery that will be online until August 2021!