Architects Must Lead Sustainable Design

Lance Hosey, our Chief Sustainability Officer, has an article in called “Why architects must lead on sustainable design.” I encourage everyone to read it. And take it to heart. It accurately reflects RTKL’s evolving view on sustainability, and it confirms in my mind why we think our performance-driven design initiative is the right strategy.

In the piece Lance also mentions the AIA’s decision to remove sustainable design from members’ annual continuing education requirements because “sustainable design practices have become a mainstream design intention in the architectural community.” I disagree with this and have, along with my peers in a number of other practices, voiced our concern in a letter to AIA President Mickey Jacob. A copy of the letter is here.

I wanted you to know all of this because it also signals our intention of being a strong and clear voice in this conversation. While our progress with PDD is hard-earned, we intend to lead the dialogue and not shy away from taking a stand.

Would love to hear your thoughts.



For more than five decades, Callison and RTKL have created some of the world’s most memorable and successful environments for developers, retailers, investors, institutions and public entities. In 2015, our two practices came together under the Arcadis umbrella, expanding our sphere of influence and the depth and breadth of our resources. Our team is comprised of nearly 2,000 creative, innovative professionals throughout the world who are committed to advancing our client’s businesses and enhancing quality of life.